Webinar length: 60 minutes

The Next Wave of the Burnout Epidemic

Jennifer Moss
Author, The Burnout Epidemic



The change to our work and home life happened rapidly and without notice. Since March 2020, many of us have been operating in crisis mode; quick pivots, learning new policies and processes on the fly while navigating growing societal unrest. Some of us are juggling a new work from home life, others are navigating the pandemic outside their homes, some are working right in the middle of the fight, but one thing is clear we are all battling the strain that is unavoidable in a global pandemic.

As we wade into unchartered waters – unlike any other time in our careers – we need the resources to maintain our resilience. Jennifer will discuss the prevention strategies and tactics to manage burnout during times of stress. She will walk us through our current realities and provide tangible solutions to increasing psychological fitness for a healthier and happier today and in our future post-pandemic world.